Kobe University Hospital i Kobe

JapanKobe University Hospital



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7-chōme-5-2 Kusunokichō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0017, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-382-5111
internet side: www.hosp.kobe-u.ac.jp
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Latitude: 34.6850985, Longitude: 135.1706724

kommentar 5

  • Qi Qi

    Qi Qi


    7 months ago, I was suggested to have the two of my lower wisdom teeth removed by the dentist in the Oral Surgery, while the original appointment was for extraction of only one tooth once a month. And that almost had killed me. The dentist was rushed because of my severe pain and scratched periodontal tissue when he was taking the second one. When finished and I had been prescribed antibiotics( 250mg amoxicillin three times a day for two days) and the pain killers for a week and also some instructions for the day (such as don’tn take a bath that day and so on). I had taken the medicines and did as said. But I had come to felt dizzy and uncomfortable after a few days but I still endured it until the follow-up visit a week later after the surgery. I told all of this to the dentists and begged them for the antibiotics cause it should be the infection somewhere and mostly invaded my brain . But I got nothing after the consultation. Sure enough, I still felt ill and got sicker and I saw the pus in my throat after a week. So I went to the clinic nearby cause I walked very hardly. But received the same medicine(250mg amoxicillin three times a day) for three days! I doubted and searched for the internet and found that the right dosage is 40-90mg/kg weight! It shouldn’t had been one pill! It should be at least three pills(750mg three times per day) cause I’m a adult and weight nearly 50kg! The dizziness and fatigue was getting worse and I went to the ENT clinic . I got the antibiotics for a week, one pill(100mg cephalosporin twice a day. I searched it’s instructions on the web and found that it should be taken at least two pills once a time when the infection is clear. I was very scared cause of the dizziness and weakness that can’t move my body flexibly and felt worse. I was despaired of the medical care in Kobe Japan and I don’t want to die caused by the incompetent medical staffers! So I tried hard to get the right amounts and dosages of the right antibiotics (advised by a doctor of my homeland) from outside of Japan and eventually saved my life. Although I’m still weak after that horrible experience , but I’m alive and the dizziness has gone away and I can move flexibly and live a normal life with a clear mind. Thank the gods for blessing. I write this for you as a reminder when you come to visit the doctor in kobe or even around Japan. Never get your teeth pulled out unless you have got the right antibiotics and the right Mouthwash cause it may be something getting wrong and then you won’t get any antibiotics from the dentists or the doctors . Be careful when you’re advised to extract your teeth more than one as planned.

  • G Tyrol

    G Tyrol


    From Okurayama Subway Station, exit on the north side and walk a little west for about 5 minutes. The bus stop is also in front of the hospital. There are many restaurants around the hospital, probably for people who come to visit. There are many Western food restaurants such as Nanjaro and Turkish rice restaurants across the street. There is a convenience store and cafe inside the hospital, but I think it is one of the most representative hospitals in Kobe, so I would like to see something done about the aging of the hospital itself. It's in tatters. I think both patients and their families feel better in clean hospitals and hospital rooms, and they don't have to worry about whether the treatment equipment is outdated. The nurse who took care of me was a really nice person. It may be different depending on the person, but the way the nurse treated me with a smile and politeness was impressive. Even when I told him about my concerns, the way he listened to me with concerned eyes was genuine. When you get sick, you don't have much leeway, and your family feels anxious and worried. I think someone who has been hospitalized at least once would not have had this much trouble, but since I had never experienced it in the past, I didn't know many things, and I was worried about not only my illness, but also insurance and money. I was anxious every day because I lacked countless knowledge about procedures and my future life. At times like this, I think that just a simple touch can relieve a patient's anxiety. Even when conveying the same message, the choice of words is important, and I'm glad I met a nurse who gave me positive words. Doctors may be the best at hospitals, but I think nurses are also important.

  • みいきゅ



    If you've been going to a large hospital for a long time, you'll hear both extremely good and surprisingly bad rumors. In my experience, I have learned many extreme experiences (lol), and I think that one thing that major hospitals have in common is long waiting times, but here, It is equipped with a variety of facilities and is designed to make your time as comfortable as possible. In some hospitals, even if you feel unwell due to long waiting times, you may not be able to tell and collapse, so I feel that this hospital is very supportive of its patients in that respect. .

  • Walaa Mahdy

    Walaa Mahdy


    Can't be better

  • Stephanie Garneau

    Stephanie Garneau


    The people who work at the "international patient center", who are supposed to speak English, do not, in the slightest, and made no effort to find anyone that could. No help in an emergency.

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