Kōbe Arise Post Office in Kobe

JapanKōbe Arise Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Arise-729-1 Ikawadanichō, Nishi Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-2113, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 78-974-4377
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6608295, Longitude: 135.0198108

kommentare 5

  • lab



    About two weeks ago, I asked about my Japan Post PIN number. A woman answered, but what about the card? What about your ID? It was high-pressure from beginning to end. Also, after presenting everything, I can't do it here. I was very impressed by the inquiry. I looked it up again, and it seems like the savings counter at every post office does this, but it seems like this one doesn't.

  • 山下秀一



    Even though you visit the post office because it's open until 5pm, you're told in a sarcastic manner, ``Please make sure to arrive by collection time,'' but they have work to do, too. So, please talk to the headquarters and close the reception at this post office as soon as collection is finished. As mentioned above, there is a male station employee who behaves in an unpleasant way, even though he has a job where he often talks to people.Perhaps because of this, the atmosphere in the station is bad, and I always feel bad about it. I really didn't want to use it, so for a while I walked to another post office, which was 30 minutes away each way, but in the end, this was the closest and most efficient, so I was able to change my back and stomach even though it was uncomfortable every time. I've been using it for many years. You may not be able to do it if it's closer to you, but unless there's an emergency, I strongly recommend using another post office, even if it's one place further away.

  • 遠矢明春



    I am very angry with your company's response.I went to the store around 1540 on Tuesday, March 14th, and took the number plate, but I didn't want anyone to respond to me.Two young women had also entered the store. I should have known that, so I got furious after waiting about a minute 💢😠💢 An older woman took care of me. About three years ago, I requested to open a savings account. I filled out various documents for about 20 minutes, was asked a lot of questions, and was treated like a criminal!! ️I felt offended. I don't understand why there are so many things going on, but I canceled it midway through and went to the bank. Your company has a very bad reputation, and I have 47 years of experience in the customer service industry, and I can tell from the atmosphere inside the store how they handle the situation. What do you think about the feeling of being in a government office?

  • やまうみ



    makes me feel uncomfortable Good staff members quit quickly. It's irritating correspondence! If you're getting the same salary as the kind people at other stations, that's something to think about.

  • 色黒のっぽ



    Customer service is so bad😫 Because of one or two staff members, the ratings are dropping drastically. disappointing.

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