KO Matooigawaten in Yaizu

JapanKO Matooigawaten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

327 Takashinden, Yaizu, Shizuoka 421-0204, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 54-622-3143
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.800901, Longitude: 138.299747

kommentare 5

  • 多々良勝也



    Anyway, I like fish. Rumor has it that this supermarket originally started as a fish store! Recommended for all fish.

  • ツナ



    It was very annoying to have such a forceful invitation at the entrance. Thanks to you, my shopping mood was ruined. Do something! P.S.: I wanted to pay with NFC Pay, but the cashier refused and said, "I don't understand," so I lost points😡 It's the most delicate payment, but the lack of education is the worst. Train the store manager properly!

  • Diana Mae Evangelista

    Diana Mae Evangelista


    Fresh product like fruits good for me

  • M -remon

    M -remon


    Although it is a rural supermarket, it is very friendly and has good performance. The space per parking lot is wide enough that people who are used to the narrow spaces in the city tend to pull to the left or right. There is space to eat inside and the restrooms are clean. Nights in this area are pitch black, with only the starry sky and the lights of the KO Mart. There are a lot of elderly people here, and the cash registers are crowded, so people who are hungry should be careful. It's a friendly store.

  • 蒼莱



    Compared to the nearby supermarkets, this store has a wide variety of carefully selected sake and shochu, making it very attractive. The limited edition sake recommended by the staff is very delicious ♪ There are hidden sakes that you won't find at other affiliated stores ♪

nächste Supermarkt

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