Kizaki Post Office i Niigata

JapanKizaki Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

184 Uchishimami, Kita Ward, Niigata, 950-3306, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-387-2953
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9426581, Longitude: 139.2080069

kommentar 4

  • 内堀明雄



    This is the post office in Oraga town. The parking lot is a bit narrow, but I use it. The staff's response was quick, accurate, and pleasant. Serve each customer with care. I will use it again.

  • くたねこ



    I like that it's not a manual response! I have been treated like this several times. Community-based? Everyone is very kind. That's why I often use this place instead of the larger ones. The downside is that the parking lot is very small and can only accommodate 3 cars plus a wheelchair, and you can barely park one car on the side... It's a small place, but it can get surprisingly crowded at times.

  • H M

    H M


    The delivery person opens the door fully. Cars are passing in front of me, bugs can get in, and it's insensitive. Even when I tried to close the door, there was no response. get annoyed.

  • 田邉美菜緒



    It's a small post office, set back from the street, so it's hard to find.

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