Kitchen Kaizoku i Setouchi

JapanKitchen Kaizoku



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4173 Ushimadochō Ushimado, Setouchi, Okayama 701-4302, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 869-34-4741
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6176263, Longitude: 134.1592381

kommentar 5

  • 佐藤政治



    Watch everyone stop by on YouTube I wanted to try it. I had heard that there was no place to park my car, so I was worried about whether I would be able to park, but I was saved because I was able to park for free at the dock. The wharf was just a short walk from the store, and it was nice to be able to enter the store itself without having to wait for 12 hours. I thought the turnover was fast because they put down the plates as soon as they finished eating. I had imagined that Judyong's song would be played endlessly in old-fashioned monaural, but by chance Kou Shibasaki's song was playing in old-fashioned monaural.

  • Judy OBrien

    Judy OBrien


    Good curry place.

  • Andrew O'Kelley

    Andrew O'Kelley


    Cheap price for the amount of food you get, and the quality is quite high. Will definitely visit again!

  • Anthony Aina

    Anthony Aina


    The curry was good, spicy and greatly flavoured. I regretted the lack of vegetables in it. Service was fast and the owner was kind and smiley

  • Ryan Wilson (雷庵)

    Ryan Wilson (雷庵)


    The "pirate curry" (kaizoku curry) was delicious and had big chunks of beef. Just remember to get it jumbo sized or in a set!

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