Kitakyushu Bank Shingu i Shingu

JapanKitakyushu Bank Shingu



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-5-3 Chūō Ekimae, Shingu, Kasuya District, Fukuoka 811-0120, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-940-6211
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.7119289, Longitude: 130.4504156

kommentar 5

  • xsd777777



    The counter service is good for customers who have interest in fixed deposits, investment trusts, and banks, but they are not friendly towards general customers. I don't want the customer service to be better, but it was unpleasant to see customer service that was clearly different.

  • 202 k

    202 k


    The female receptionist was not very responsive. Even though I got the reception slip, I was not friendly. I felt like getting a reception slip. May I? I was told that Later, a staff member in the back It's taken. That's what you said I was like, “Ah.” After that, nothing happened We will respond by telling you the reception number. I felt really bad about it. The reception is so bad It was my first time using a local bank.

  • tam bourine

    tam bourine


    The woman at the counter was unfriendly. It's a shame because the woman in front of me was nice.

  • 謎のアジア人



    You can use our service with peace of mind thanks to our kind and courteous service 👍

  • Kazu M

    Kazu M


    Empty-handed transactions are very convenient! Unlike Fukuoka Bank, it feels cutting edge.

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