Kisshoan Gurandyuokamataten w Ota City

JaponiaKisshoan Gurandyuokamataten



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Japan, 〒144-0051 Tokyo, Ota City, Nishikamata, 7-chōme−68−1 グランデュオ蒲田 西館 7F
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5713-6287
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.5626928, Longitude: 139.7157026

komentarze 5

  • yukikOsan yoshi

    yukikOsan yoshi


    For someone like me who grew up with light flavors, I found the soup to be a bit strong. My husband, who likes strong flavors, said it was rich and delicious, so I think everyone has different tastes. I went there to enjoy the taste of the soba, as it seems that the soba noodles are made by grinding them at the restaurant, but I personally found the soup to be salty. I took a seat at a table, but it wasn't cramped; the disposable chopsticks were round rather than square, so they were gentle on the hands, and towels and paper napkins were also provided. I was able to order by scanning the QR code, and the staff was friendly, so the service and atmosphere were pleasant. It's a good place to enjoy seasonal menus, and if you like the taste, you'll want to visit often. Sake and appetizers were also on the menu, so it might be a good option for those who want to enjoy drinks and entertain in a place other than an izakaya.

  • ぺんぎん



    You can order by scanning the QR. Smartphone menus are easier to understand than paper menus. The menu is very extensive.




    Tokyo Kamata Station Kisshoan I wanted to eat soba in Tokyo, so I stopped by for dinner, but the taste was quite strong for people from Kyushu.Personally, I found it a little salty due to my age, but there were a lot of customers who were the same age, so it was good for Edokans. I guess it's Anbai soba.

  • YIN



    This is a soba restaurant located in Grand Duo. I visited on Sunday afternoon, and as expected, there was a long wait among families, especially elderly people. It's family-friendly and has an extensive menu. It also supports QR payment. There are about 10 counter seats facing each other in the center of the store, so it's okay if you're alone. There are a total of 8 seats for 2 and 4 people. Thank you for the meal. 23/10/15 First visit

  • Rinor Berisha

    Rinor Berisha


    Yummy and good service 👍

najbliższy Restauracja

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