Kisoji Kawaramachi i Nagoya

JapanKisoji Kawaramachi



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-27-17 Shinsakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0007, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5485-3655
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1652028, Longitude: 136.9154298

kommentar 5

  • gerry mclellan

    gerry mclellan


    I took my daughter for lunch and was disappointed. For ¥13000 we received four paper thin pieces of meat, four noodles each, one little piece of carrot each and a few other assorted vegetables. As a starter, we got a little cube of something tasteless and a little scoop of ice cream for dessert. As we cooked the food ourselves at the table, I could have spent the cash on better quality meat and an altogether more sumptuous spread. The service was agonizingly slow and we spent nearly two hours in the place. However, the staff were mainly friendly, but that should go without saying.

  • Phi Au

    Phi Au


    Had a lovely night here with the family eating shabu shabu and the service from Uetchi-san was excellent. Thank you for the dinner.

  • Boba



    I like the place need a little bit of wall cleaning

  • Ally Reilly

    Ally Reilly


    Very tasty shabu shabu

  • Tom S

    Tom S


    Very traditional Japanese interior. The staff are in kimono. Since a lot of tourist go here come during off peak hours.

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