Kishiwada City Hospital in Kishiwada

JapanKishiwada City Hospital


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Japan, 〒596-8501 Osaka, Kishiwada, Gakuharachō, 1001番地
kontakte telefon: +81 72-445-1000
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.461329, Longitude: 135.396066

kommentare 5

  • anjee san

    anjee san


    I am attending a collagen disease clinic. The teacher is very kind. I took classes in other departments, but all the teachers were good. Every time I hear about a friend's doctor who has the same illness, I feel like I'm being looked up to by a good doctor. There are always people in the parking lot, at the counter, and at the information desk to provide you with courteous service.

  • クマにゃん



    I came here for the first time as an emergency. There are many male siblings, and the older children have been to other hospitals several times with facial fractures due to fights, and the doctors at the hospital listened to my story sympathetically and conducted various tests. He helped me find fundus fractures all three times. However, today it was difficult to find the emergency parking lot, and I had to walk quite a distance from the regular parking lot, and the telephone response was colder than at other hospitals. The swelling and bleeding were the worst, but is it okay to just look at the doctor? Well, I didn't have any information about X-rays or fractures, so I asked them, and they finally answered me, but please have it checked at another hospital. ...The person at the checkout and the nurse who gave me the medicine were kind. However, it was not a highly recommended hospital.

  • shanti kc

    shanti kc


    Thank you so much 😊

  • Hảo Su Cù

    Hảo Su Cù



  • sakaiben2



    English review for foreigners... I was referred here by a downtown hospital that was totally unreliable. My impression is good overall for this place. They do not waste your time and I was told that it would take a while before I could be seen. I arranged a time and came back then. The doctor saw me straight away so it was great. Unlike the other hospital I was at, the doctor actually spoke English. Personally I don't need it because I can understand Japanese but this would help others. Second visit I called in advance to make sure and was told it wasn't that busy. Got my appointment on time which is highly unusual in my experience. (Downtown hospital lied about appointment times and deliberately put other patients in front of appointments.) One thing bothered me about this place... There are no signs when you are trying to find it on the street. The only one I found was covered by a tree. Come on. Cut the tree down. I would recommend Kishiwada Hospital to anyone.

nächste Krankenhaus

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