Kirayaka Bank HQ en Yamagata

JapónKirayaka Bank HQ



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒990-0047 Yamagata, Hatagomachi, 3-chōme−2−3 きらやか銀行
contactos teléfono: +81 23-631-0001
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2581928, Longitude: 140.3396975

comentarios 5

  • , てんき

    , てんき


    Branches are closing one after another. Is the company already bankrupt and the head office in trouble?

  • あいす



    It was spacious and had a luxurious feel.

  • ぺさん



    I asked for help with applying for Densai Net, but they just sent me a booklet and that's it. I asked them how to use the service over the phone and asked for various things, but they never moved to help me. In the commercial, they say that they are supporting their main business, but in reality, there is no support. The service has gotten worse year by year, so I've been with them for many years, but I've decided to take this opportunity to consider changing banks.

  • しーはー



    I've been using it since my days at Shokusan Bank, but my passbook developed a magnetic defect and then within 10 days, the magnetic defect occurred again.This has never happened to my Yamagata Bank passbook. They can't respond on Saturdays and Sundays, and after hours on weekdays. Harassment to prevent you from using your passbook? I feel that

  • Thai nguyen quoc

    Thai nguyen quoc


    The online banking service is poor! ️ Troublesome

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