KINOKUNIYA entrée Lumine Shinjuku Store w Shinjuku City

JaponiaKINOKUNIYA entrée Lumine Shinjuku Store



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Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 3-chōme−38−2 新宿駅構内
kontakt telefon: +81 3-6304-5890
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.6897619, Longitude: 139.7011301

komentarze 5

  • M M

    M M


    I stopped by in the morning, so I didn't have much time to look around, but there was something I was interested in, so I decided to go shopping. Will there be a discount at night?

  • Kumiko



    It is located inside the south and southeast exits of JR Shinjuku. After all, it is a high-end supermarket There were many rare items. Shinjuku is a large terminal station Even if you don't have a Kinokuni supermarket in your area, you can buy it inside Shinjuku Station. , I think it's convenient.

  • Jean Y

    Jean Y


    I like this chain for displays of mindfully selected products. This is a small branch though and inside the station. Look for Southeast exit. Another reviewer lamented that you have to pay the subway entrance to enter this store, but that is because it’s in the subway. No need to fret though as the Takashemaya a short jaunt away has the bigger and massive branch of this store in the basement (without having to pay any entrance fee) and is worth a visit.

  • aa



    It is a small store located in the ekinaka area of ​​JR Shinjuku Station. They have the Kinokuniya private brand tea that I always buy, so I often use it. Kinokuniya's original Darjeeling black tea is very delicious.

  • Alexander Frak

    Alexander Frak


    To get anything from here you actually need to pay for entering the station, at least 140yen, are you serious? Other supermarket 5 minutes walk from here...

najbliższy Supermarket

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