Kindai University Hospital in Osakasayama

JapanKindai University Hospital


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377-2 Ōnohigashi, Osakasayama, Osaka 589-8511, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-366-0221
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Latitude: 34.4770628, Longitude: 135.5497646

kommentare 5

  • おおとりぴーすけ



    He has a history of hospitalization and surgery at other university hospitals. Has experience in both private hospitals and general hospitals. Even from my point of view, the condition of this hospital is too cruel. Especially the ward nurses on each floor. Often they don't listen to the patient at all. Around 6pm, I was shivering with a high fever and asked for a blanket, but they still didn't bring it until after 9:30pm. It's lights out! Even though it was a private room, it ended up being turned off. The large room is dirty and small. I didn't like that and requested a private room, but the 11,000 yen private room was dirty and didn't even have a toilet or sink! There is only one toilet in each ward, and it is dirty, narrow, and has an accordion! It will cause an infection! ︎ The 22,000 yen special room has a bathroom, toilet, and sink, a regular TV, and, of course, a regular refrigerator. Even this is normally around 6000 yen. Bottakuri is also good! The fact that the building is old is just an excuse. There are many places where the buildings are older than here but are kept much nicer. Toilets, washrooms, shower rooms, all of them are always dirty and poorly maintained. I had the opportunity to be hospitalized in the wards on each floor, but what did the chief and general chief do? ? A female hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeon only recommends advanced medical care! Even if I say it's covered by insurance, they don't listen at all. I was given an intravenous drip and was told it was painful. Is that good? That's it. What should doctors do if they make patients anxious? Are you getting it from a pharmaceutical company? I felt that! I would hate it if I got a hole in my navel because it would be hard to heal. I said, ``It's okay, I won't cut the navel.'' There are a few places next to it. That's it. When I woke up from anesthesia, my belly button was pierced! ! As expected, it is difficult to cure! It's seriously annoying The best quality is Dr. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Internal Medicine. Only nutritionists, pharmacists, and a small number of nurses. It's impossible!

  • てとてとて



    There are too many differences in the quality of teachers. Otorhinolaryngology was good, but Depending on the department, there are a lot of sloppy doctors with extremely low standards. Also, the caseworker was extremely sloppy and put me at a huge disadvantage. Perhaps because there were so many cases to deal with, the responses to the consultations were often forgotten or mistaken. Even if I complained, the caseworker who had the problem would still take care of it, so I was left in tears.

  • 中島正弘



    I was admitted to the ophthalmology department on May 23rd and underwent surgery for cataracts and epiretinal membranes in both eyes on the 24th and 28th. I did. 45 minutes for the right eye and 30 minutes for the left eye. The project was successfully completed on schedule. I was discharged from the hospital on the 30th. Around both eyes Very bright and clear at close range Now you can see it. I'm having surgery now I think it was good. I would like to express my gratitude to my attending physician, Dr. Kusaka. Thank you very much for your help Thank you.

  • シェリーフウタムク



    I visited him for a second opinion on anti-cancer drug treatment. Dr. K took time out of his busy schedule to kindly and empathize with me for an hour and taught me about the treatment methods available for colorectal cancer, the characteristics of each drug, and clinical trials. Unfortunately, the clinical trials for my mutant type were not open here, so I was unable to receive treatment, but I was very satisfied with the information I received. As you said, I would first like to undergo a cancer gene panel test while receiving standard treatment at my current hospital. Thank you very much for teaching me various things.

  • Y Tanaka

    Y Tanaka


    I think there are various opinions and compatibility with the doctors and nurses in charge, but I think it's a good hospital. My doctor may be special, but he is a very pleasant person. I've heard people say that the hospital is old, but when I asked the doctor, he said it was built 50 years ago. It's no wonder it feels old, right? In fact, I think it's quite difficult for it to be in that condition 50 years later. However, it seems that they will be moving to Senboku soon. I've seen the construction site, and it's worth seeing. I've seen the renderings of the completed hospital, and it's a wonderful hospital. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also a little sad because the current hospital has its own charm... I've been to this hospital before, and the hospital food is delicious! At a university hospital, do the doctors seem like people on a cloud? I thought so, but all the teachers were friendly. This is an unexpected hospital in a good way!

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