Kid's Dental Clinic Breeze w Koriyama

JaponiaKid's Dental Clinic Breeze



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Igagawara-84-3 Fukuyamamachi Kubota, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8071, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 24-925-7770
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.4122169, Longitude: 140.3730246

komentarze 5

  • amipu



    I visited him for my child's tooth extraction. I was worried because my child is very timid, but I was surprised that the anesthesia and tooth extraction were done without my child noticing. Thank you for taking care of me without crying at all. I would like to continue to take care of you in the future.

  • あさ



    Both the receptionist and the female doctor are really kind and polite! Care was taken to ensure that the child did not find out about the anesthetic injection and that the parents did not feel anxious! My son was treated so calmly that he did not even realize that he had been injected (^o^)

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    We take care of you every time you have a cavity. A dentist for children. There is also a play area, so you don't have to worry about waiting time. My daughter said that the anesthesia didn't hurt at all (she had pain at other dentists). All the teachers are very kind. The receptionist and assistants are also kind. They also provide thorough explanations. Reservations fill up quickly on afternoons and Saturdays, so you might want to make a reservation early!

  • keiko



    I am used to handling children, so you can leave it to me with confidence. My unruly and crybaby son is always taken care of. The female doctor seems a little nervous, but she praises me when everything is done properly and is a good doctor who makes me feel at ease.

  • はらぺこ青虫



    The director was very thorough in his explanations and was very good at handling children. The female doctor (vice director) is blunt and scary. At the dentist, the sound of scraping makes me feel scared, so I would like to appoint a kind director to examine me.

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