Kichijoji Central Clinic w Musashino

JaponiaKichijoji Central Clinic



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Japan, 怒180-0004 Tokyo, Musashino, Kichijōji Honchō, 1-chōmeāˆ’4āˆ’ļ¼‘ļ¼˜, Joji惻Forum, 5F
kontakt telefon: +81 422-28-0552
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.7033104, Longitude: 139.5791903

komentarze 5

  • ys hi

    ys hi


    We have been taking care of both parents and children for many years. Going to the hospital is conveniently located near the station. Both teachers and staff Please listen to me carefully I feel at ease when visiting the hospital as my treatment is explained in detail one by one. Thank you for your prompt response to this request.

  • m恈悊



    Thank you for your help with orthodontic treatment. The doctor's explanation was very thorough and I was able to complete the treatment without any anxiety. My teeth, which were crooked, are becoming more and more beautiful, and my mouth is retracting, which makes me very happy. I think it's popular because the clinic is always crowded. It looks like I'll be getting a retainer checkup in the future, so I'll do my best not to go back.

  • m y

    m y


    This was one of several dental clinics I considered for orthodontic treatment that were within easy reach, had clinic days, and had free consultations. First of all, I was surprised at how cold the receptionist was. Maybe it can't be helped because it's a big clinic in Kichijoji and there are a lot of patients, but I think it would be nice to be a little more polite to customers (patients) who could potentially pay hundreds of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of yen out of pocket. That's what I thought based on my values. It's an important orthodontic consultation, but the person I met was a woman who didn't even know whether she was an office worker, a dental assistant, or a hygienist. I was asked whether I wanted a wire or a mouthpiece, and I just said what I remembered about it. While listening to the one-sided explanation, I thought to myself, ``I must have worked hard to memorize this.'' Are there any questions? Even when asked, there is no mention of the most important thing, ``This is likely to happen given the condition of my teeth. I can't say anything right now because I'll have to look at it and judge.I think the tooth will probably be extracted.'' Personally, I thought there was no place where the doctor wouldn't help me when I needed a consultation, so I ended up just consulting.

  • Mark Langager

    Mark Langager


    The big screen is used effectively to keep me up to date with my dental situation.

  • K S

    K S


    I received orthodontic treatment at Kichijoji Central Clinic. I'm glad I received it here. . My first visit was two years ago. I went to various dental clinics for free counseling, but to be honest, I didn't know which clinic to go to. It is easy to compare treatment costs, but I have heard that there are many problems with orthodontic treatment and implant treatment, so I chose a hospital carefully. very beautiful. Another reason I chose this treatment was that the cost of orthodontic treatment was reasonable. I was able to choose to pay in installments which was very helpful. Next, regarding the orthodontist, I chose this school because the orthodontics are performed by a certified orthodontist. However, as mentioned in other reviews, the problem was that it was difficult to get reservations for the evening. Also, this was a general dentist, so that was also good. If a place only does orthodontics, it seems like cavities have to be treated elsewhere... It was very convenient as it was right in front of Kichijoji Station. All the staff members were also very nice. The restrooms are separate for men and women, so they feel clean and you can touch up your makeup, which is nice. I have finished my orthodontic treatment and am now wearing a device to prevent my teeth from returning. My teeth are now in good shape, and I plan to go for cavities checkups and cleanings in the future. I'm really glad I received orthodontic treatment because I was able to deduct medical expenses.

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