Khaosan Tokyo Kabuki en Taitō-ku

JapónKhaosan Tokyo Kabuki



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒111-0032 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Asakusa, 1 Chome−17, 台東区浅草1丁目17−2
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5830-3673
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.711436, Longitude: 139.795251

comentarios 5

  • Thera Visser

    Thera Visser


    Friendly staff, good location and a very nice hostel. Would come here again in a sec!

  • en

    James Titus


    Loved it! Staff were super helpful and friendly. Good location.

  • Kris Manipon

    Kris Manipon


    Great location, right next to Senso-ji, lots of shops around. Staff were very friendly. Quiet hostel that's more family friendly

  • Biana Klnr

    Biana Klnr


    Nice hostel, great staff, secure neighborhood. Sensoji temple right around the corner, really close to Asakusa Station (convenient). Highly recommend!

  • Eric Chan-Tung

    Eric Chan-Tung


    This is a great place to stay to explore Tokyo. It is within walking distance of the subway and located near all necessities. The rooms are clean and the place tidy. The staff is without a doubt the best part of Khaosan Tokyo kabuki! They are all very friendly and knowledgeable. I even got myself in a travel emergency that left me stranded in Japan and everyone at the front desk was incredibly helpful and spent a lot of time and effort in helping me with advice and contacting my embassy. It was a pleasure to stay here and meet all the wonderful people in this place! Thanks for everything Khaosan Tokyo kabuki!

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