Keisei bus stop3 i Chūō

JapanKeisei bus stop3


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1 Chome-4 Yaesu, Chūō, Tokyo 103-0028, Japón
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6826499, Longitude: 139.7707095

kommentar 5

  • Pett Jin

    Pett Jin


    Waiting point for the bus to Narita airport. Leave every 30 mins. You can pay 1,000 yen to the driver directly. This is the most cheap and easy way to the airport from Tokyo. Btw. The Tokyo station quite large. You may need 30 mins extra time to get lost in the station.

  • Greg Lyon

    Greg Lyon


    Looking for the cheapest ride to Narita? This is the stop! Bring your ¥1,000 note and your bags and hang out in the standby line. Reservations are available on the Keisei website as well. Busses have excellent FREE WiFi. Employees speak good English in my experience, at least in terms of what is necessary for your bags and purchasing a ticket.

  • ja



    成田空港行き「東京シャトル」を、こちらから乗車しました。 前売り900円。当日1000円です。 深夜・早朝便は割増料金です。

  • 邱建舜



    It take around 1 hours to Narita airport, one of cheapest way to airport! Clean and efficiency bus!

  • Michael Kan

    Michael Kan


    Great price and service. It takes 1 hour to get to Narita (without traffic).

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