Kaze to Te to Tsuchi in Sendai

JapanKaze to Te to Tsuchi



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒983-0003 Miyagi, Sendai, Miyagino Ward, Okada, Hamadōri−45−3
kontakte telefon: +81 22-781-7134
webseite: www.kazetote.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2417801, Longitude: 140.9870569

kommentare 5

  • むっちゃん



    I went for lunch! Lunch is a style where you choose what you like and make it yourself, and it comes with a steamed vegetable salad bar and a drink! There are different types of pasta and risotto, so I was having a hard time deciding which one to choose! All the vegetables were delicious and healthy, so I was happy! We also had coffee after the meal. It was easy to drink and the dessert looked delicious, so I wanted to try it next time! ! I'm pregnant so I want to go again before the baby is born! !

  • Taryn Lees

    Taryn Lees


    Delicious food and amazing atmosphere!

  • Tamae 95

    Tamae 95


    The lemon pasta was amazing! I love it. And interesting experience that you can choose the type of pasta they cook with. So you can choose the (taste/flavor) and (pasta or risotto)

  • Alexander K

    Alexander K


    Beautiful place with beautiful animals and herbal teas 🍵

  • Anandeeta Gurung

    Anandeeta Gurung


    This place was lovely! The food was great and the ambience was nice too. We walked to this place from Arai Station and it almost took us around 40 minutes to get here. On our way back, we took the bus (turns out there is a bus just a minute from this place) and returned back to the Arai Station in about 30 minutes.

nächste Cafe

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