Kaze no Machi at Hanaten w Osaka

JaponiaKaze no Machi at Hanaten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-31-28 Hanatenhigashi, Tsurumi Ward, Osaka, 538-0044, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6967-3922
strona internetowej: www.kazenomachi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.688333, Longitude: 135.564654

komentarze 5

  • 正美大空



    Hormone fried soba It was delicious.

  • 森上智央



    The atmosphere inside the store is good. Use this restaurant when you want to eat on the go.

  • ツクツクグルメ彩音



    The store is located about a 2-minute walk from the north exit of Hohan Station. This restaurant is a chain restaurant and I go there often because the food is consistently delicious. I think it's standard to sprinkle bonito flakes on it after it's done, but this restaurant sprinkles bonito flakes on it during the baking process! I have a personal preference, so can I grill the bonito flakes first? They'll ask, but it's more delicious if you bake them with them! Today, I ordered my favorite pork modern, but you can also choose between udon and soba noodles, thick or thin, depending on your preference.

  • ギヴピース



    Grilled pork with green onions 1020 yen Yakisoba 880 yen Tonpei Yaki 690 yen Grilled pork with green onions (normal) Yakisoba normal Tonpei yaki not so good I ordered the most popular Tonpei, but the pork had no flavor and it wasn't the most delicious Tonpei grill I've ever had... Too bad. Prices are high because it's right in front of the station. I will not repeat

  • m e

    m e


    There was a woman who looked like a foreign exchange student, and although she couldn't speak Japanese, she worked the hardest. I was moving around as instructed by other employees, such as going around refilling water and cleaning. And he was the friendliest! The other staff members weren't very friendly, and since they didn't come back to flip the okonomiyaki even after a long time had passed, we thought we should do it ourselves. I guess I noticed my mistake and ordered the foreign woman to go. The cleaning isn't perfect either, so I'm a little hesitant to bring my baby there. The store is very small. Also, some seats are not air conditioned, so I don't recommend it in the summer. 2020.1 Return visit I wasn't too keen on going because I had a bad impression of it the last time I went there, but the part-time staff there during the day on weekdays were very friendly and made me feel at ease even when I was bringing my kids! ️It was delicious! ! It's a pity that the cleaning is not done properly. Children touch a lot of things, and the sticky fat causes dust to stick to everything. Since it's a restaurant, I really want the space to have a clean feel.

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