Kawase Dental Clinic in Kumamoto

JapanKawase Dental Clinic



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260 Jōnanmachi Adaka, Minami Ward, Kumamoto, 861-4224, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 964-28-7021
webseite: kawase-sika.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.698896, Longitude: 130.731552

kommentare 5

  • 黒田武



    I went there for the first time to remove tartar. I was impressed with how well it was completed! I wondered what the dentist was like before. The first thing that made the patient think it was a waste was omitted and they just cleaned it up. She was a young female hygienist, but I was impressed by her excellent technicians. What do people who evaluate dentists because of their bad attitude towards the reception and the teacher look for in a dentist? Thank you for your perfect work. thank you very much.

  • なみーな



    In particular, I believe that each type of hospital is compatible with each individual, so please use this as a personal opinion and for your reference. This is my first visit to the hospital in about 10 years. My patient is a 40-year-old male. 1. The parking lot is relatively large and can accommodate several dozen cars. 2. The entrance has a slope and is wheelchair accessible. 3. Reception and examination will be done in the order of arrival, no reservations are required. 4. All the female dental hygienist staff, including the director, are kind and courteous. 5.Payment is done using the automatic payment machine located to the right of the counter. I will not share the staff's name, but they carefully explained and made suggestions about dental care before and after the procedure. I was happy to hear that you spoke to me in such a polite and empathetic way, so I decided to post it. I will also monitor your progress and visit you if I have a chance. thank you very much.

  • Ryo Minobe

    Ryo Minobe


    It’s been 4 years since I came here The response was good

  • 焼き卵



    Maybe they were busy, but there was no one at the reception desk and no one answered when I called.The woman who looked like an assistant in the back ignored me even though I made eye contact with her.The woman with the flashy head kept the patient waiting and finally came out. They don't even say hello and act like they're a pain.There's no need to do things like those in the customer service industry, but isn't politeness necessary as a member of society? Maybe it's the lack of employee training, or maybe it's their own qualifications...This is the first time I've been so uncomfortable just at the reception desk.

  • あおぞら



    Last week I went to the hospital because it was swollen and painful. Nothing was prescribed at the time of accounting... When I went to bed, I was in so much pain that I couldn't stand it. I'll be there tomorrow morning, so please take care of me.

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