Kawamura Dental Clinic w Fuji

JaponiaKawamura Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

314-1 Nakajima, Fuji, Shizuoka 416-0907, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 545-32-6000
strona internetowej: www.kawamura-dc-fuji.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1631336, Longitude: 138.6493355

komentarze 5

  • bun yuki

    bun yuki


    Recommended for those who want to treat many teeth at once or those who want to proceed with treatment as quickly as possible. I think this is a very flexible hospital. Perhaps because there was no dental hygienist available, I had a dentist remove the tartar from my teeth. There was no tooth surface polishing, which can only be calculated by a dental hygienist.

  • けそち



    The cover on my silver tooth came off many times. About two years later, another dentist discovered cavities behind the tooth that had been treated. In the end, I lost my nerve. The director's manner of speaking is soft, but you can't deny that he has a strong sense of humor as a parent.

  • como mo

    como mo


    If you make an appointment, the doctor is very kind and kind, but even if you have a sudden toothache, he won't answer your calls at all. The homepage says to call in case of an emergency, but I couldn't even get to the doctor's office during the opening hours.

  • *ぷみ*



    The teacher is very kind. He was kind and gave me various suggestions regarding my dental problems and how I should treat them in the future. A calm and polite tone will put you at ease. Of course, both times I had cavities treated on my front teeth, but they healed perfectly with almost no pain. He is a very skilled, kind and reliable teacher.

  • ろろるる



    I take my kids there and they are so kind. At my previous dentist, my parents and staff held me down, cried, and forced me to undergo treatment, which made me hate dentists, but this is completely different. I don't force myself to clean my child's teeth at his own pace (he currently has no cavities), but at home I have to hold him down while brushing his teeth (lol).That's the role of parents. When you're done, they let you play gacha gacha, and that's what the kids go for, so it doesn't seem like they'll hate the dentist (lol)

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