Kawai Dental Clinic in Hamamatsu

JapanKawai Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

8-9 Hosojimachō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 435-0045, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-465-0018
webseite: www.dental-kawai.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7225732, Longitude: 137.7538353

kommentare 5

  • 21 racco

    21 racco


    He listens to the patient's complaints. Hygienists can also do things that dentists used to do. Until now, I didn't have a good impression of dentists, but at least they're not money-driven. Thank you for your treatment 😊 I also have a good impression of the young lady at the reception. I wonder if it was replaced?

  • キラーウェポン



    I had a cavity in my tooth when I moved to Hamamatsu, so I made an appointment with this highly rated dentist. I used anesthesia to treat the tooth decay, which had progressed to the nerves, but it didn't work very well, so I ended up having it done without anesthesia. The doctor told me that it would hurt a little, but please be patient. I couldn't hold it back and even let out a loud voice. I have had cavities treated several times at other hospitals, but never had anything like this happen. It was impossible. I will never go there again.

  • くーとま。



    My doctor was not good. Even when I complained of pain in areas other than the tooth being treated, they did not treat me. The bite after the treatment was also not good. Even when he accidentally cut off his tongue, he was given an excuse and no proper apology was given. Temporary teeth can be removed the next day each time. I got a rough impression overall.

  • shu shu

    shu shu


    This is the dentist that my elderly parents have been caring for. In particular, my father has a disability due to illness, and even though treatment is difficult, the doctors and staff always treat him kindly. His explanations are thorough and he takes the patient's needs into consideration. You can request treatment with confidence. I am always grateful.

  • マムマム



    I went to have my wisdom teeth removed🦷 Since it is a reservation system, there was not much waiting time and I was able to receive the treatment. The explanations were very thorough and the procedure was done with almost no pain, so I had only positive impressions. I would like to use them again in the future if I need anything.

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