Kawachiya Asaka i Koriyama

JapanKawachiya Asaka



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-9-5 Asakamachi Nagakubo, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0105, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 24-937-2455
internet side: kawachiya-gr.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.3568453, Longitude: 140.3610602

kommentar 5

  • 池上靖



    I went there for the first time after hearing that it was a fairly famous supermarket in Asaka Town, and it had a wide variety of products. Next time, take your time choosing items. I hope you have fun while looking for bargains.

  • さわさわ



    Hmm. Don't buy bento lunches or side dishes, even if they're a last-minute item. The taste... They probably bring it from Aizu, but it's not as attractive as it used to be. Expensive for the quality. I want to go back to the old days. Please provide us with the best products from Aizu, fresh and at affordable prices.

  • mi ku

    mi ku


    There's a bargain... Community-based supermarket... The people in charge of vegetables are kind...The ladies at the cash register are also quick to handle the cash register...The service is much better than that of AI... Parking lot is always full I want to eat all the side dishes. Discounts on side dishes start early By the time it gets dark, most of my lunch is gone. Good freshness of fresh food Shops you'll want to visit again The toilets are also fairly clean. The okara from the tofu shop that sells it is delicious. The bacon made by Takasaki Ham is also delicious... I wish they also carry sausage made by Takasaki Ham...

  • 大野真由美



    For example, let's say the amount of shopping is 2,683 yen! When I paid 3,000 yen, he asked me if there was a piece, and when I said no, he said, ``Tsk!'' He clicked his tongue. Are all customers paying the correct amount? in a sense amazing.

  • XIエックスアイ



    I often come to the store to buy eggs and lunch boxes. They also sell food such as side dishes and drinks, but the price range is normal, and I think most people are looking to purchase an egg for 150 yen per person with a purchase of 1,500 yen or more.

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