Katsuhiro Seki Dental Oral Clinic in Kumamoto

JapanKatsuhiro Seki Dental Oral Clinic



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1-chōme-15-11 Egoe, Minami Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0834, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-377-1188
webseite: seki-oadc.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.7747383, Longitude: 130.7015838

kommentare 5

  • marumori 150

    marumori 150


    I came to see him through a referral from my family dentist. As mentioned in the reviews, he was a very skilled teacher. The treatment is quick, and there is no swelling or pain after removal. I was given painkillers, but I didn't have to take any other than the one pill I took before the surgery, which surprised my colleagues at work. No wonder it's so hard to get a reservation. I'm planning to have another one removed at a later date, but it looks like I can have it done with peace of mind.

  • ごまちび



    A while ago, I was referred by another dentist to have my lower molar wisdom teeth removed. I tried this with the intention of both of my lower teeth swelling, but they ended up with no swelling at all and the pain didn't get too bad. One of my molars was turned sideways and had to be extracted by splitting it, but thanks to the technique of the director here, there was almost no swelling. I was so happy that I bragged to everyone around me that I didn't get any swelling. lol

  • かめりさん



    The light used by the dental hygienist was too bright. Even with my eyes closed, it was so bright that it was painful during the treatment. They usually put something like a towel on me with only the mouth open, but I guess they forgot. The one that sucked water in my mouth kept hitting my gums, which was extremely painful and uncomfortable. Something fell into my mouth on the way. This usually doesn't happen, but this time the dental hygienist didn't pay enough attention to the patient. Unfortunately, I don't know who it is because they didn't mention their names.

  • Oみかん



    The director here is amazing. I had a wisdom tooth removed and it was a buried type, and I heard from people around me that it was very painful even with anesthesia, so I was scared, but I wonder if the technique is amazing, and when did it come out after anesthesia and extraction? It wasn't that painful. Is the director really at the top level? I'm glad I was able to leave the removal of one more wisdom tooth to you with confidence.

  • 山田枝里子



    The director's wonderful skills and personality make me feel like he has the hand of God, so I fell in love with him and I can trust him with all my heart. My wisdom teeth removal, which was a grueling surgery for me, was completed in a surprisingly short time, and I didn't feel any pain at all, and the progress was very good.Although I had two teeth removed at the same time, there was almost no swelling, and I asked the doctor for help. It was good! The doctor's treatment is gentle, thorough, and efficient, and is completely different from other doctors. I can't think of any other dentist anymore! The clinic is clean and tidy, and everyone is very friendly, so I have nothing to say about it! He's the best dentist! Thank you for your continued support!

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