Kato Dental Clinic en Gosen

JapónKato Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

8-33 Asahichō, Gosen, Niigata 959-1862, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 250-43-0398
sitio web: www.5000katosika.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.7472072, Longitude: 139.1813422

comentarios 5

  • お迎えだよ



    Before starting the treatment, we will take X-rays to show you how your condition is and explain the treatment you are about to start.During the treatment, he will also take progress photos so you can see what to do again and what kind of treatment. It was very good because it was clear what had been done. Thank you for treating me properly, even if I have to take occasional breaks because my mouth is open all the time. There was a good atmosphere between the doctor and the hygienist. The doctors and hygienists are both kind, so last time my child came to the hospital, they were considerate and didn't seem to be scared of my child, so I feel safe going to the hospital.

  • あっくん



    This is a dental clinic with a nice atmosphere and friendly doctors and staff. Treatment is not painful either

  • 吉原朋江



    The clinic is clean and the waiting room has a relaxing atmosphere. It was my first time going there, and the staff and teachers were very kind.

  • つひろ



    I was visiting a hospital from far away and was looking for a place to get treatment because my tooth was hurting. He examined me on the same day, gave me the treatment I wanted, and the staff was very responsive.

  • ayam



    Receptionist: She is easy to talk to and is prompt. Hygienist: Carefully instructs you on how to brush your teeth. He performs the treatment while calling out to you. Doctor: He provides easy-to-understand explanations of the condition with images while providing treatment. Other: Reservations are required, but sometimes you have to wait (hence the 4 stars). This is a dental clinic that made me want to go not only to treat tooth decay, but also to prevent it.

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