Kasugai Municipal Hospital en Kasugai

JapónKasugai Municipal Hospital


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Japan, 〒486-0804 Aichi, Kasugai, Takakichō, 1-chōme−1−1
contactos teléfono: +81 568-57-0057
sitio web: www.hospital.kasugai.aichi.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2715359, Longitude: 136.9691269

comentarios 5

  • sss r

    sss r


    I visited a pediatrician as an emergency at night. The child seemed to have difficulty breathing and was having trouble speaking, so I went to see if they could just give me suction. Just tap the stethoscope I can't hear my back and my throat is wet I finished it in 5 seconds. Check twice to make sure it's not whistling. I have to say it. I went home thinking that whatever I said to this person, he would just look at me. The next day I went to my doctor's office and it was whistling so I had it suctioned. I don't even want to give it a star. The child is in pain or cannot communicate yet. Should be looked at carefully. There's a fair amount of it.

  • のりさん



    My wife is in the hospital for cancer treatment. Doctor ◯◯◯◯◯ in surgery, do you understand the basic philosophy of Kasugai Municipal Hospital? I think it would be a good idea to put your own convenience ahead of the patient's (his wife's) wish to take a week off from treatment due to the severe side effects and forcefully proceed with anti-cancer treatment. As a result, my wife was hospitalized with enteritis a week later. Normally, ⭐︎ would be good enough, but the treatment itself seems to be effective, so I guess this is the rating. Also, in the hospital as a whole, there is an atmosphere in which everyone other than the patient, even the patient's family, is viewed as an outsider or spectator. My family is my second patient. Well, I can't even be close to the patient, so I guess it's like ignoring the family. I think you can receive a fairly high level of advanced medical care, but it's not a hospital that you would want to go to on your own.

  • Vamos Vamos “l'oignon frit à l'huile” Rodong

    Vamos Vamos “l'oignon frit à l'huile” Rodong



  • めいくん



    I was hospitalized in the west ward on the 6th floor for a week for surgery for sinusitis. The doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other staff members were kind and helpful, and I was able to spend my time comfortably. The room was a private room with a toilet, just as I had hoped, so I was able to spend time without worrying about the people around me. When I was previously hospitalized at Tokushukai Hospital, it was noisy and noisy outside, but this hospital has its own toilets in the general wards, so there aren't many patients walking around, and it's very quiet. It felt like a hospital ward. The visiting time is early, ending at 6pm, so I would like it to be at least 7pm. I was also relieved that hospitalized patients could drive their own cars and park in the parking lot.

  • Jason Irwin

    Jason Irwin


    Very fast administration and knowledgable staff. Many of the doctors seem to be in their 30s, which my wife is happy about.

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