Kasugai Jinryo Post Office en Kasugai

JapónKasugai Jinryo Post Office



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-24-3 Jinryōchō, Kasugai, Aichi 486-0821, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 568-81-6998
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2549612, Longitude: 137.0104688

comentarios 5

  • 鬼太郎



    I often use ATMs. The parking lot is parked facing forward, but there is little traffic on the road in front, so it's easy to get out. This time, my mother passed away, so I asked her to cancel her bankbook. The procedure was explained in an easy-to-understand manner, and I received the documents on the first day and completed the cancellation procedure the next day. thank you very much! The response was so good that it couldn't be compared to Mitsubishi UFJ Bank!

  • つじ



    I stopped by to have a flea market app shipped. He asked me what was inside, so I answered honestly and handed it to him, but when I put it in the basket behind me, the employee behind me asked me if I would sell something like that. Isn't the one at the store cheap? He said in a whisper. You hear that kind of thing, right?

  • さろ



    I went to ship items from a flea market app. I packed it within the specified thickness and brought it in a Yu-Packet Plus box, but the lady at the reception desk told me that it was swollen and could not be accepted. eh? ? ? Where is it bulging? ? I thought so Since I had a small child with me, I gave up and had it shipped from a nearby Lawson, and it arrived safely. I would like someone to explain where and how it bulged even though it's not overly thick, and if they can't send it, I'd like a refund for the box.

  • paella



    The lady at the post office had a very bad attitude. If you don't feel like doing it, please don't do it. - Unfriendly and does not respond ・Voice is too small to hear ・They do not suggest alternatives for mail that cannot be sent out because it is too large. ・A troublesome attitude I hope it will be replaced by AI soon. -- April 22, 2020 9:55am

  • こまち大魔王の子分



    There is an unmotivated lady in her 50s at the reception near the end of the business hours, and if you say something that is even the slightest bit of trouble, she will make a very disgusted face and pretend that she has no choice but to do it for you, so just going there is frustrating. So I can't recommend it. The people at the reception desk during other times are very kind.

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