Kariya Takakura Simple Post Office w Kariya

JaponiaKariya Takakura Simple Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-701 Takakurachō, Kariya, Aichi 448-0037, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 566-63-2211
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0020428, Longitude: 136.9976125

komentarze 5

  • り


    Intimidating and scary. I felt like I was being made a fool of.

  • きのさん



    person at the counter I have no choice but to go to Kariya Post Office because it is unfriendly, but it is kind even though it is crowded.

  • 田辺ナタリー



    ⭐︎1→⭐︎3 Compared to when I first visited, I feel that the customer service at the counter has become much more polite recently. The number of stars has been corrected. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ⭐︎1 I went through the shipping procedures at this post office, but the other party told me that there wasn't enough postage. I was relieved because the measurements were taken with something like a ruler, but I felt sorry for the inconvenience. I received a receipt for the payment, but it was 120 yen. It looks like they actually had an 84 yen stamp on it. I should have checked carefully too.

  • E S

    E S


    Other people have written about it, but there are two staff members who are always wondering why it can cause so much discomfort to people. Her mouth hung open as if she was dissatisfied with life. It is said that their personalities are reflected in their faces, but the two of them really look alike, and it seems like they are constantly saying bad things. The services should be provided uniformly across the country, and I check this beforehand on the website, but when it comes to tasks that I have never done before, I get mumbled, saying, ``I've never done anything like this before, and it's my first time.'' But it's not your store, and it seems like he can't understand that he's an employee of the post office. Supervisor? I find it strange that even men who think that there is no manual, and the response policy varies each time, so it doesn't often become a problem. Other people have mentioned it, but since it's the closest one to my house and the main office is busy, I'll just use this post office, but it's a simple post office that can only do simple things and is run by two misunderstood old ladies. Not being able to adapt flexibly, but rather lacking in ability to understand Japanese.

  • K N

    K N


    It's a simple post office, so it's small. There are no ATMs either. If there was something I didn't understand, they explained it to me, and other than that I had no problems.

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