Kappa Sushi in Nagano

JapanKappa Sushi



🕗 öffnungszeiten

602-1 Kawanakajimamachi Kamihigano, Nagano, 381-2233, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 26-284-8705
webseite: www.kappasushi.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6050714, Longitude: 138.161795

kommentare 5




    Kappa Sushi is the first conveyor belt Sushi restaurant chain in Japan, now it doesn't make by hand, but just puts a piece of raw fish on rice, this is also a kind of Sushi we called. Almost all dishes with two pieces of Sushi are JPY100, possible to order 1 piece of Sushi as JPY50. This is a good one for a small eater. Credit card, QR code, and electronic money payment are acceptable. A huge parking lot is available.

  • Farah Tonny

    Farah Tonny


    Good and quite big place. The toilet is also clear and stuff are also friendly.

  • 美Mi



    The store was stylized 🤩when you enter the store with a screen to reserve your table and the number of people who are going to sit with you, a paper is printed indicating the number of the table and it has a bar code, which at the end of your meal You will need to pay your bill by going directly to the cashier, without having to call an attendant, there are not many sushi running on the conveyor belt, only what customers ask for is what arrives on the conveyor belt at your table and needs to confirm on the tablet that you received the sushi 👆🏻,I thought very good because everything comes fast and fresh, you can order a sushi only if you want to try it, in the past it was the majority of sushi were double, this better the tablet is not on top and now it is mobile 👏👏accents, tables, dishes , support of shoyu all new was very good, beautiful and cheap ...

  • Simon Favez

    Simon Favez


    Food is average quality but seems fresh. Even speaking and reading basic Japanese it was such a bad experience to go trough the order system on the tablet. Staff wasn't of any help. They had a system working for foreign languages in the past and decided to rebrand and renew all their restaurants. Crazy that such a big company didn't think it could be useful to have multiple language with 30millions of tourists every year and the Olympics next summer.

  • David U

    David U


    Value sushi but also sells noodle dishes and soups. Promotional sushi included smoked sweetcorn was tasty. The wakame miso was good.

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