Kappa i Kurashiki




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2-chōme-17-2 Achi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0055, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-422-0440
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Latitude: 34.5993929, Longitude: 133.7690625

kommentar 5

  • Garance



    Really out of this world! The king-size portion of tonkatsu they served was absolutely mouthwatering and perfectly cooked. Totally worth the waiting time. Can't go wrong here. Highly recommended.

  • Nixon Tan

    Nixon Tan


    Had a wonderful time for this local curry store which was relatively highly rated in tablelog at 3.67. The recommended set of the tonkatsu was affordable at 1600 yen with a big portion , rice and miso soup. The Demi glaze sauce was rich and tasty but would have been a better experience if the better and meat of the tonkatsu could match it. The staff is really friendly and they have English as well as Chinese menu which were really helpful as travelling foreigners. Would be a good stop before exploring the kurashiki bikan quarters.

  • Tiffany MacIsaac

    Tiffany MacIsaac


    If you are staying in Kurashiki the tip to not waiting in line is to go around 9:15-9:30am and sign up on the wait list. Then just come back at 11am for the 11:20 seating. We walked around the town and had a coffee and pastry for breakfast while we waited. They serve in waves so there is a bit of a wait after sitting because they are preparing the food in large batches rather than table by table. We had the chicken livers (really yummy and well soaked to remove the iron taste!) "cheese" which you can skip. It's nothing exciting. For the entrees we had the beef katsu and pork katsu with rice and gravy. It was fabulous. We both preferred the pork but the beef was great as well. I loved the gravy, it reminded me of gravy on a loco moco growing up in Hawai. One thing to note is they do not want people photographing or taking a video of the staff or kitchen. Just the food.

  • Nathan f

    Nathan f


    Excellent food and service.. the only negative was the 1 hour wait, though they have a seperate waiting room next door. Probably the most popular katsu spot in town. Very delicious pork katsu, but as I don't like the fat, I actually preferred the chicken katsu. The draft beer was so cold that it was icing a little bit. It really hit the spot after a long day.

  • tim079100



    This is a famous Curry tonkatsu restaurant in this area. So much people are waiting for seat to tryouts their tonkatsu. I waited about an hour. Finally catch up the last order at 1400pm. They have English menu for tourists. And their friendly staff can speak some English and explain the menu to you. Having 2 set combo for lunch. Curry tonkatsu and Curry burger meet,croquettes and fired shrimp. The fired shrimp is taste fresh and the size is perfect! The croquettes mixed some potatoes and vegetables inside, that made the taste more complex and delicious. And most importantly, the tonkatsu was perfectly done. Really crunchy, it go so well with the curry and surprisingly is a mild rare pork.(I heard some Japanese pork can do that😂) Is so crunchy on the outside and juicy in the middle. Its perfect. The curry tastes a bit sour than usual. It go well with all the meats. However a bit not so good if you like mixing the rice with curry.

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