Kansai Super in Nishinomiya

JapanKansai Super



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-36 Ueda Nishimachi, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 663-8135, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 798-46-8935
webseite: www.kansaisuper.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7123478, Longitude: 135.371296

kommentare 5

  • r y

    r y


    The parking lot is large and easy to park. We also sell fresh vegetables and meat, including a vegetable corner produced in Tokushima Prefecture. The sales floor is large, so I'm confused.

  • 佐藤綾子



    Kansai Supermarket is homely and a friend of housewives✨It was late when I got back from Docomo, so it was 8 o'clock so I got 50% off!I bought it so I don't come here after 8 o'clock.I don't want 50% off. I was surprised, please come again! Thank you very much 😆😁 The photo is of an old Iranian man! Everyone will be surprised. Please come again 😅

  • ROLA



    Sometimes why? Are there different products here? There is this. This is a visitor This is an attempt to steal. Shall we steal it later? That's it Items that are easy for thieves to steal I see it often! We recommend plainclothes police officers! Kansai Super Naruo store Please be careful!

  • 72ひとりん



    Now you can also use PayPal, making it even more convenient. You will also receive points from the Hanshin Hankyu Outing Card. 10% discount on Mondays and Tuesdays. Eggs are cheaper on Wednesdays and yogurt is cheaper on Wednesdays. Mokugane City also has things that are relatively cheap. Cold noodles were delicious. The meat of the bulgogi was also relatively soft and easy to eat.

  • OKUMURA Takuya

    OKUMURA Takuya


    There is an eat-in space inside the store. The second floor is a parking lot with EV available. Credit cards can be used, but PayPay is not supported. The paid plastic bags are white but sturdy.

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