Kano Family Dental Clinic w Sendai

JaponiaKano Family Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-12-3 Tomizawaminami, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0036, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-307-5888
strona internetowej: ve.cat-v.ne.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.210497, Longitude: 140.8644413

komentarze 5

  • 米田雅祐



    I have decided to go overseas and have been going to the hospital since late February this year to get rid of any bad things before I go abroad! I will move out of the company housing in Tomizawa Minami on March 28th...I will travel on April 9th! When there was only one day left for treatment, the tooth that the doctor was worried about and had no treatment plan started to hurt... Since the tooth was treated 10 years ago, I thought it would take a long time to treat it...but I hurriedly consulted the doctor! They kindly arranged the schedule with only a few days left. Completely recovered on April 5th! Mr. Kano and all the staff... Thank you very much for your help. I traveled to Vietnam on April 9th ​​as planned, and am currently living in a government-mandated 14-day quarantine at a hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam. It will be released tomorrow morning... I'll do my best! I felt that he was a dentist loved by the locals.

  • たぬさん



    I have used it several times since it opened. The tooth that had been treated here before broke apart while I was eating normal food. It's been a while since I last visited. As for the overall atmosphere The facilities and the female doctors and nurses are generally good. However, if you go on a weekday, the patients are mostly pensioners who have 24 hours of free time. It has a unique rural atmosphere, as if time has stopped. This time, I was the only patient waiting, but all I could hear was chatting loudly with an elderly female patient from the treatment room. It was quite painful to have to keep waiting 30 minutes past the reservation time while listening to this small talk. Aren't they also doing this at drinking parties? You're talking stupid in a loud voice that makes me think I was offended and thought that I was not getting any dental treatment, so I thought about going back, but I was told that it would be over soon, so I decided against it. In addition, I am a patient and do not know how to proceed with treatment. I would like them to tell me about the details of today's treatment and the overall process of treatment, even if they don't ask me. If you go there during your free time at work, you may be a little irritated by the lack of delicacy and insensitivity.

  • k kk (kkk)

    k kk (kkk)


    Both the teachers and the reception staff are very kind and approachable. There is also a free space where children can relax, so I think it's easy for people with children to visit.

  • ジャングルマンゴー



    Talk while preparing for and treating patients, and don't stop talking even if there are people in the waiting room. Staff laugh with each other while treating patients. I'm talking about the stupid story that happened yesterday with the staff in a loud voice in the treatment room! Impossible. You make fun of patients too much. She didn't say anything specific about what kind of treatment she had, and she looked like she had just done it, which made me very uncomfortable. I will never go to a dentist with such poor quality and staff. Honestly, I don't want to give even 1 star.

  • ドナルドダック



    I am always taking care of my parents and children. The teachers and staff are very kind and you can feel at ease. My child, who was crying at first, has recently come to say that he loves the dentist. I think he is a very friendly dentist.

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