かに政宗 泉店 w Sendai

Japoniaかに政宗 泉店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Harada-100-2 Ichinazaka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3117, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-375-9000
strona internetowej: www.re-marumatu.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.3130259, Longitude: 140.9018171

komentarze 5

  • shuichi utsumi

    shuichi utsumi


    I had an impression that it was kind of expensive, but they also have inexpensive sets, so it's a store you can easily go to. I ordered the crab sukiyaki course, and it was served quickly and was delicious. It's also nice to have a private room. Spacious parking lot

  • remember



    A casual restaurant where you can eat crab dishes at low prices. I use it for dinner with my family and also for memorial services. Another advantage is that it's spacious inside and has private rooms so you can relax. I think the taste is around 80 points, but I gave it a perfect score because it's cheap to eat. I always get the crab gozen, Masamune lunch, grilled crab shell, etc., and it's delicious. I highly recommend the grilled crab shell, which I always eat at home.




    Used on birthday It seems like there are fewer 🦀 compared to the past. The pasta is delicious with lots of crab flavor. Grilled crab miso shell Crab thick roll Crab carpaccio etc. in combination

  • Lilian



    The crabs are very fresh, so they are very sweet and delicious, the cabbage is fresh and sweet, the sushi is also delicious, the chawanmushi is okay, but the bottom bean is a bit bitter.

  • M.M



    You can relax in a private room. I wanted to eat a lot of crab, so I ordered 2 servings of crab suki (6000 yen per person). You can make rice porridge to finish off your meal with the chawanmushi, but the crab is packed with flavor (it's not the thin crab you'd find in an all-you-can-eat dish), and you'll be full just by eating the crab.

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