Kanda Post Office i Chiyoda-ku

JapanKanda Post Office



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2 Chome-12 Kanda Awajichō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 101-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3257-6402
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6976584, Longitude: 139.7686404

kommentar 5

  • ja



    昔、年賀状バイトで世話になった。 初日から口の悪い下っ端社員に散々バカにされ、精神的に辛かったので1週間で辞めた。 短期バイトとはいえ、言っていいこと悪いことがあるを理解してほしい。

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    The Yuyu window is amazing. It operates around the clock all year. The gentleman at the window was extremely polite and helpful too. As a post office maniac I would like to contribute a five star review for them.

  • Michał Szklarzewicz

    Michał Szklarzewicz


    We had no problems with sending packages from this post office. Some of the staff may not speak english, but they called english speaking one as soon as they noticed the foreigners. Note that post office is on the ground floor, the second floor is a post bank.

  • IamYmaro



    Good service. Not as busy as places closer to Akiba. Limited English signage, perhaps no English speaking staff, but all the official documents are bilingual. With limited Japanese this place is a breeze

  • bunny lover

    bunny lover


    Serves as a beacon for signaling the location of my hotel. very useful landmark.

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