Kanazawamusashisogoshika Kyosei Dental Clinic en Kanazawa

JapónKanazawamusashisogoshika Kyosei Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

1-14 Musashimachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0855, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 76-222-0418
sitio web: www.ki-dc.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.5709026, Longitude: 136.6547922

comentarios 5

  • sk



    We will respond carefully every time! I went to another dentist, but the fillings came off quickly there, so I switched here. It hasn't come off once since treatment. Since then, I have been going for regular cleanings. We always give advice so you can feel at ease!

  • Kenny Wayne

    Kenny Wayne


    Excellent service with considerable staff.

  • 晴紀



    It was my first time to undergo orthodontics and I was a little nervous, but the doctors were kind and made me feel at ease. The treatment is painless and the treatment is completed smoothly, so if you make an appointment, you can be seen right away, making it easy to visit. Although the correction is still in the middle stage, I can see the changes myself and am very satisfied.

  • 水嶋友恵



    Thank you for always helping me with corrections. It's been a year since I started, and I'm very impressed with how my teeth are becoming straighter. With my teeth straightened, I can now smile with confidence in front of others. When I looked at her from the side, I was surprised to see her protruding chin retract. People around me often say that I have a beautiful face. I'm really glad I had orthodontic treatment at Musashi Kanazawa Dental Clinic.

  • ぼくママ



    I wanted to whiten my front teeth, so I asked for ceramic and cavity treatment as well. I was reluctant to go to the dentist because I had a bad experience when I had cavities treated at another hospital, but here I didn't feel any pain and my teeth were made very clean. The teachers and other staff members were all very pleasant people, and I felt confident recommending them to others (^^) We look forward to working with you again. thank you very much.

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