Kanazawa Cardiovascular Hospital i Kanazawa

JapanKanazawa Cardiovascular Hospital


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Ha-16 Tanakamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0007, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-253-8000
internet side: www.kanazawa-heart.or.jp
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Latitude: 36.5998796, Longitude: 136.6606076

kommentar 5

  • kengo Sotsu

    kengo Sotsu


    I have been going for regular check-ups every two months for the past five years. The whole place is clean and comfortable.

  • アズマ



    The atmosphere of the rehabilitation department teacher is bad. The attacks on young employees and people who appeared to be trainees were harsh and unpleasant.

  • 森めぐみ



    I don't know what department it is in, but there are rumors that a nurse who assaulted both children and was taken care of by the police works at that hospital.Is that true? If it's true, it's scary and I don't want myself, my relatives, or anyone else to be hospitalized or go to the hospital where such people are! !

  • 石浦裕美



    My husband has been taking care of me for a long time. The doctors, the people at the payment counter, and the people at the reception desk on the second floor of the examination room are kind and friendly, but the people at the reception desk in front of the examination room are really unfriendly and have a cold way of speaking and acting, and I get irritated every time. It will be. Why does he behave like that? It is especially bad for young people at the reception. I wonder if something can be done 💦

  • Katsuhiro Nishimura

    Katsuhiro Nishimura


    My doctor's medical consultation is excellent with his expertise.

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