Kanagawa Dental University en Yokosuka

JapónKanagawa Dental University


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82 Inaokachō, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-0003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 46-822-8751
sitio web: www.kdu.ac.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2843524, Longitude: 139.6699876

comentarios 5

  • ああいい



    I am a graduate Pass/fail information for the national exam was disclosed to other students without permission. Even though I didn't even talk to them, they knew my pass/fail information. Looking back on the story, it seems that either the trainee doctor or the teacher was involved. There is a serious lack of ethics. I also saw the leaked pdf. What happens to my personal information? ? ? ? At least I don't think they are operating fairly.

  • ほま



    I'm currently attending an internal medicine clinic. I've been to many hospitals, but even if I had an appointment, I usually had to wait for 1-2 hours, and I was stressed out because I had to just copy-paste medicine and prescribe medicine without getting a thorough examination. At Kanagawa Dental University, patients are seen almost on time and are treated with great care. The medical fees are low, making it the best value in terms of money and time.

  • 904 Texan

    904 Texan


    First time going for MRI and as always best friendly customer service as always in Japan. Highly recommended.

  • Motto K

    Motto K


    I attended a curry festival held at Mikasa Park in Yokosuka City yesterday. There was a line a little ahead of me, so I made the mistake of following it and was told the university information. was. I carefully listened to the staff's enthusiastic explanation (^^) This is where future dentists will start their career. Looks like everyone is having fun!

  • Sierra Peterson

    Sierra Peterson


    I don’t go to the university, but the grounds themselves are gorgeous especially during Sakura season. A lot of construction working on new projects which is great. Very clean and quiet area.

Dentista más cercano

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