Kamiyama Dental Clinic i Yamaga

JapanKamiyama Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

1719 Yamaga, Kumamoto 861-0501, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 968-43-6699
internet side: www.kohyama-dental.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.0127931, Longitude: 130.6882742

kommentar 5

  • りんりん



    It was my first time seeing a doctor! Even though it was a short notice reservation. Thank you for your kind and polite response. It was helpful! Moreover, at another hospital After orthodontic treatment Because I had a retainer on. I was very anxious, but From reception Treatment is just around the corner Stay safe at the end of treatment Thank you for talking to me The orthodontist I go to I was surprised at how different it was 💦 If you have anything else, please let me know!

  • ミント



    Parents and children are being examined. The explanations are thorough and reassuring. I want to keep my own teeth even when I become a grandma, so I will continue to visit her regularly.

  • ゆうたん



    Self-care has its limits, so I have a professional examine me once every 3 months.They are very accommodating even if I cancel on the same day, and the consultation includes x-rays and gum checks once a year. The doctor also has a policy of avoiding procedures such as tooth grinding as much as possible, which is very helpful.The staff are also very responsive.After the consultation, you will be taken to the waiting room.It will be important for your entire life. I would like you to protect your natural teeth, and it's nice to be able to smile as much as you can in front of others (^^) Thank you for your continued support.

  • ラトフラト



    We will thoroughly explain what to do next, so you can receive treatment with peace of mind.

  • たなみゆ



    Not only the doctor's treatment, but also the staff's response is very kind and polite! This is a highly recommended dental clinic where you can trust your treatment with peace of mind!

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