Kameoka Chiyokawa Post Office en Kameoka

JapónKameoka Chiyokawa Post Office



🕗 horarios

Nishishiba-96-2 Chiyokawachō Obayashi, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0043, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 771-22-4364
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0424697, Longitude: 135.5451961

comentarios 5

  • ふじぞお



  • k pm

    k pm


    May 25th An old woman fell into the river in front of the post office and an ambulance was called. I think it's a bit strange that the entrance and parking lot are so small even though there are so many people and cars coming and going (many people park their cars at Kirindo). Shouldn't they at least put a fence around the parking lot? Only two people, including me, noticed it even in broad daylight, so I think it's really dangerous at night. Even if it fell, no one would have noticed and might have died. Moreover, this is also the route for children to go to school. There was a large river running right next to the road around the post office, there was no fence, and there were a lot of cars coming by, so I was surprised that there was such a dangerous road to school. It's better to do something about it. I gave this rating because the staff members are very kind.

  • ゆうちゃん



  • 中澤智浩



  • jiro miso

    jiro miso


    There is only one woman whose customer service attitude is not good. I usually feel bad when I meet that person. Other people are kind and polite...

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