Kamatani Dental Clinic w Amagasaki

JaponiaKamatani Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-6-12 Tsukaguchihonmachi, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6426-1811
strona internetowej: kamatanidental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7618081, Longitude: 135.4168064

komentarze 5

  • あおしましゅんさく



    kids room During dental treatment, we always let the children play in the large kids room on the second floor. There is a children's space in the waiting room, but the second floor is also spacious and seems to be their favorite. The staff are all very kind and even bring a monitor with me while I am receiving treatment. That was a really big help. thank you. I always feel safe going there.

  • 平野修司



    I had been worried about treatment for my molars for some time, but the treatment I received here helped me and the pain was gone now. I was able to receive treatment after thoroughly explaining the treatment policy, which made me feel very at ease.

  • 川崎多美子



    I had previously received treatment at another dental clinic, but my dentures were not in good condition and I was unable to eat. I'm really glad I visited Kamatani Dental Clinic through a friend's introduction. I am now able to smile and chat with friends and eat meals. Not only the teachers but also the staff were very kind.

  • 総務部長



    Self-centered treatment, not patient-centered.Other doctors talk like crap, forget their skills, and treat people with terrible treatment.Even when I say that my partial dentures don't fit, they ignore me.I took them out because they hurt, but they ignore me even when I explain to them. So, after wearing it for about an hour and seeing the peeling of the skin around the gums, I finally understood and was satisfied with the treatment, so I started listening to what the patient had to say. The partial dentures I received from other doctors are better, but the dentures I received here are very difficult to use and make me feel uncomfortable when speaking. My bite is bad and I can't chew even soft foods, so I go to another dentist. Even when it comes to insurance, the treatment costs are like third-class for first-class. I met up with an acquaintance inside and talked to him later, but he lamented that the treatment costs were high because he had to clean his teeth so many times.

  • papa country

    papa country


    The explanations were easy to understand and I was able to trust that they were thinking seriously. You will be healed by the smiles of the director and other staff members. Thank you very much for providing treatment using the latest and advanced technology. The staff was also very polite on the phone. In addition, the interior of the reception area, treatment room, etc. is comfortable, and there is a dedicated children's space, so you can feel safe bringing your children. As for improvement points I can't think of any at the moment! We look forward to your continued long-term relationship (maintenance) with us.

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