Kaiseytei w Kyoto




🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-8 Shimogamo Maehagichō, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-0833, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 75-706-6966
strona internetowej: www.kaiseytei.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0511573, Longitude: 135.7677343

komentarze 5

  • Kevin West

    Kevin West


    long time fan Even when I was sold prepared foods at a department store. I bought it well. Any dish It's voluminous and satisfying to eat. Homemade mini curry comes out at the end. Pleasant service. They also offer takeout, and all the bento boxes look delicious and filling.

  • Waka 1128

    Waka 1128


    Highly recommended👍Order the ¥2,200 lunch course. Items delicately arranged. The taste is slightly bland and gentle on the body. The portions were perfect 💯 The space between the tables was spacious and comfortable 😊 The customer service from the staff was great ✨ I'll be going again 🎶 Thank you for the meal. Thank you for a wonderful time!

  • Kimiya Kitani

    Kimiya Kitani


    I ordered a full course. The potato salad and roast duck were tender and the tomato soup was rich and delicious. The fish was also tender and went well with the lemon. The grilled lamb was also juicy. The bread is also fluffy and delicious. The spicy curry was a bit of a surprise for French cuisine, but I thought it was a nice way to take a breather before dessert. The yuzu sorbet and crème brûlée were delicious, the coffee was rich, and all the dishes were delicious and the whole family was satisfied!

  • Frank Thompson

    Frank Thompson


    Family event, the food and service were of a high standard.

  • 高岡みつお



    2022.7 visit I used it for an anniversary celebration 🎂 It's conveniently located right next to Kitayama Subway Station, and the Prefectural Botanical Garden and Cosart Hall are also nearby, so you might consider using them in combination. This time, we received 5 dishes + dessert (additional charge). There are a wide variety of drinks including wine 🍷. The amuse and appetizers are dishes using sweetfish and salmon, and the main course is Japanese black beef cutlets, making it a course where you can enjoy both fish and meat.Everything was delicious, including the cold soup, bite of curry, and bread. I was happy that the dessert was made according to my birthday ✨

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