Kagoshima Takaoka Hospital i Kagoshima

JapanKagoshima Takaoka Hospital



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14-12 Nishisengokuchō, Kagoshima, 892-0847, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 99-226-1370
internet side: www.takaoka-hp.or.jp
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Latitude: 31.590401, Longitude: 130.549183

kommentar 5

  • s shino (しの)

    s shino (しの)


    You will be asked to write your name about 5 times before the reception and interview are complete. One sheet at a time on the medical questionnaire. Is it possible to manage using the reception number? This doesn't happen at other hospitals. Have the patient carry the sitting version of the medical questionnaire to the reception desk and the medical questionnaire to a separate treatment room. It is famous for its respiratory system, so an old man carrying an oxygen tank is limply carrying it around. Wouldn't it be better if all three receptionists went to pick it up all at once? If the three of us have time to chat. The building is new and looks clean, but it hasn't been cleaned. The floor in front of the reception desk is full of pride. The clip has been stuck in the same place for about half a year now. Nurse ◎, Doctor ○, Receptionist × Anyway, the reception is bad. The star is for the nurse.

  • yeongsu chae

    yeongsu chae


    During my trip to Kagoshima, I suffered 16 fractures in a car accident and tested positive for tuberculosis. I was hospitalized in the 4th floor hospital room from November 10th to December 6th. I think the treatment and recovery were quicker because of the doctors, nurses, and all the hospital staff who were kind and family-like. Thank you very much to everyone. I think I owe you a lot. This is a place I want to visit again when I fully recover. Thank you again to the hospital staff.

  • 鉄道銀河



    Kanji used it as a human dog at the company, but now he is having a hard time doing medical treatment in a small space. The last doctor's examination was unfriendly and unfriendly, which was very bad. I'm glad it ended quickly though.

  • 田島昭太



    This is the hospital that changed my life. After being diagnosed with narcolepsy at Kagoshima University Hospital, I met the director through a referral from a doctor at my local general hospital. He is a very passionate and patient-first doctor. The words may be harsh, but underneath they are full of kindness. I learned that "life is more important than money". thank you very much. There were many ups and downs, but I was able to turn my life into a wonderful one. thank you very much. I am so grateful to the director that I would like to say hello when I return to Kagoshima.

  • Summer S

    Summer S


    Clean hospital, good service. Although I'm first come first but still wait for it to be a minus point!

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