Kagoshima Bank Tokyo Branch i Chuo City

JapanKagoshima Bank Tokyo Branch



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Japan, 〒103-0027 Tokyo, Chuo City, Nihonbashi, 3-chōme−15−2 鹿児島ビル
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3272-3041
internet side: www.kagin.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.678455, Longitude: 139.77478

kommentar 5

  • N AK

    N AK


    I used it when I came to Tokyo for sightseeing. I didn't have time to transfer the money before I came, so I transferred the tax after coming to Tokyo, but the deadline had passed, so they checked to see if the local government had issued a reminder, and they were very polite. I thought it was a good response. thank you very much.

  • Googleユーザー



    The vacant space is attractive. You'll love the laid-back atmosphere. However, I don't like the 550 yen passbook issuance fee and the 550 yen carryover passbook issuance fee. Kagoshima is also an aging society, so a passbook is important. Elderly people want to use passbooks. As everyone's bank, in order to attract more depositors, we would like to abolish passbook issuance fees and become a bank where everyone wants to open an account. Alternatively, I think it would be a good idea to go on a learning trip to teach children the importance of saving money, and have them create a savings passbook at Kagoshima Bank. What helps is the cooperation with other banks. The procedure should proceed smoothly.

  • みほみほ



    I came to the store to change my name and other procedures. Even though I took the time to go to the Tokyo branch, I was told, ``This procedure will take time, so I can't do it today.'' I came to the store in the afternoon, There was still over an hour left until closing. It's disgusting to have to return a customer who came to the store even though it's because of their own inability to handle it.

  • 元気さん



    To Kagoshima Bank Arata Branch I went out of my way to make a transfer. I went to the Tokyo branch of Kagoshima Bank, but I couldn't use the ATM without my card, so when I went to ask at the counter, I was told that I could hand over the usual paperwork, which took about 20 minutes, and when I handed over the amount to be transferred, there would be a fee. It's 550 yen. said No, I have to come all the way to Kagoshima Bank. I should have told them how much the fee would be at the beginning at the counter, but the customer service was terrible. disappointing

  • G Bordiga

    G Bordiga


    Today is Children's Day, so the hours were shortened, but when I went to the store during the business hours as written, it was closed. When I called, it said it was outside business hours... I was disappointed. I will never go there.

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