Kagaya en Kyoto




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒600-8216 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Higashishiokōjichō, JR京都伊勢丹 8階
contactos teléfono: +81 75-342-0022
sitio web: www.kagaya.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9862101, Longitude: 135.7579441

comentarios 5

  • Booger Boy

    Booger Boy


    I have high expectation on such a famous brand based in Ishikawa. High end onsen and Kaiseki restaurant. The restaurant was fully booked and I was arranged to a counter table with beautiful views of Kyoto city. Tempura were came at the worst form, soggy. Steam egg was barely warm and the rice was low grade. Service was excellent but I came here for food at least meet basic standards.

  • 近藤晴彦



    Not too bad

  • y m

    y m


    A bit hidden place in Isetan department store. Lunch is around USD20/psn. Compare to the cheap price, atmospheres, service and of course taste were good. Also you can have a nice view outside. Enjoy the taste of Kyoto!

  • Cord-John Roehrbein

    Cord-John Roehrbein


    quite a ttip for the palette, the sake selection is great and food is delicious. The price could do with some readjustment, but really your value will fluctuate based on what the chef makes that day. love the atmosphere.

  • Ricky Huang

    Ricky Huang


    Dinner in Kagaya Kyoto, the raw material is better than Kagaya Taiwan. If you are sitting by the window, you can enjoy delicious Kaiseki cuisine and enjoy the night view of Kyoto Tower, it is recommended.

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