Kagawadaigakumaehakozaki Dental Clinic in Takamatsu

JapanKagawadaigakumaehakozaki Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-20-15 Banchō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0017, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-813-0418
webseite: takamatsu418.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3422612, Longitude: 134.038542

kommentare 5

  • a



    This was a few years ago, but I was very grateful for your help. The area around my silver tooth, which had the nerve removed at another hospital, started to hurt sometimes when I chewed, so I ignored it for many years. When I took a look, I found that the tip of the root had become inflamed due to bacteria because the medicine had not been properly inserted into the hole where the nerve had been removed. (If the inflammation progresses, it is a scary thing that will cause the bone in your jaw to dissolve. If you have pain under a filling that has removed nerves, please definitely go to the dentist 💦) I hated dentists and neglected the dentist for many years, so my mouth was in a state of disrepair, with cavities in my wisdom teeth and deep pockets due to periodontal disease. It took a few months to get the basic treatment done by first adjusting the oral environment, but this was the answer! Just removing a little bit of tartar will not reduce the number of cavities, so even if you re-treat the root, the cavities will come back to bite. I thought that the treatment policy here was to properly prepare the oral environment and then provide the appropriate treatment, which really considered the patient's dental prognosis. After going to this dentist, I no longer have bad breath, and I learned firsthand the importance of brushing and flossing. I am no longer able to go to school because I moved, but 5 years later, the prognosis is still good. The depth of periodontal pockets also remains improved. This is a dentist that I would recommend to people who really want to take care of their existing teeth for a long time, rather than doing a rush job.

  • Suits



    Both the doctors and hygienists are excellent at communicating with patients. The atmosphere inside the hospital is also good. The problem is that it takes time from the start of treatment to the end. It's so crowded that it's common for your next treatment appointment to be more than a month away. New patients should keep this in mind.

  • 大西黎



    The staff and doctor's explanations and treatments were very good, but I was a little concerned about the protection of personal information as the date of birth on the letter of introduction they had prepared was completely different. I told you this over the phone, but I would appreciate it if you could be careful.

  • mix Tei

    mix Tei


    I have dental phobia. He treated me very kindly and patiently, and I was able to successfully complete the cavity treatment. I have never been able to go to a dentist until now. I haven't been able to go to the dentist for a while because I haven't been able to overcome my dental phobia, but now that I have a child, I'm going to take him to the dentist as soon as possible so he doesn't end up like me 😊

  • leeemu



    If you have trouble finding a dentist, we recommend Hakozaki Dental. He provides thorough explanations and always checks to see if there is anything that is unclear. She also explained the risks of what would happen afterwards, so I felt at ease when I had my wisdom teeth removed! Also, when my parents had a toothache due to a failure at another dentist, they managed to make an appointment despite the fact that they were fully booked, and they were able to treat me, and my tooth did not die.

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