Kagawa Bank Kuko-guchi Branch in Takamatsu

JapanKagawa Bank Kuko-guchi Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

495-6 Kagawachō Kawahigashishimo, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-1705, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-879-1155
webseite: www2.kagawabank.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.239953, Longitude: 134.028632

kommentare 5

  • 土居孝浩



  • 山本大輔



  • Ji -ko

    Ji -ko


    I went to the counter to make a transfer, but the service was very poor. There are seal wipes available, but there is no waste bin or trash can to throw them away after use. When I asked about it, I was told that ``garbage bins are not allowed.'' At this point, the Japanese language was already broken. Is there such a law? It's as if they just leave the seal wipes behind and tell the customers to take care of the cleaning. Also, the transfer form is in a format that is easy for our bank to use, so it is difficult to understand and there are no examples of how to fill it out. Of course there are no guides. If you manage to fill it all in and take it to the counter, they will ask you to correct or rewrite it if something is wrong. When I asked, ``Why don't you just provide some examples?'', she replied, ``There are so many different patterns that I can't provide any examples.'' Although there are examples of how to write them at the license center and city hall, it seems that private Kagawa banks do not have them. Their responses are filled with excuses that only seem to suit their own convenience, with no regard for the convenience of users. The employees who dealt with the situation may have been working at the bank for a long time, but because of that, they blindly believe that they are right, and their way of thinking and guts seem to have rotted away. I had been doing business with this bank for a long time, but it has fallen into decline.

  • がんじろう



  • せっとん



    The receptionist was kind!

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