カフェレジャン 珈琲舎のだ 博多阪急店(coffeesyanoda) in Fukuoka

Japanカフェレジャン 珈琲舎のだ 博多阪急店(coffeesyanoda)



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒812-0012 Fukuoka, Hakata Ward, Hakataekichūōgai, 1−1 博多阪急 6階
kontakte telefon: +81 92-419-5747
webseite: www.coffee-sya-noda.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.58981, Longitude: 130.4204315

kommentare 5

  • Tse DD

    Tse DD


    This cafe is the first stop of my trip to Fukuoka this year. I have ordered a “golden blend” and a cake. This is a perfect tea set as a refreshment to energise your trip !

  • km cheung

    km cheung


    A peaceful cafe with a good quality coffee.

  • Dick Lau

    Dick Lau


    Very nice coffee

  • June Tan

    June Tan


    Not a bad experience. Very westernised, yet Japanese at the same time. Strawberry shortcake was very good, I think they beat the fresh cream by hand. Amazing. Noda coffee was very balanced with fresh cream! I went at 11am and there was no queue, no pressure to leave at all.

  • Tieu Ky Luu

    Tieu Ky Luu


    Best coffee shop I ever went. Beats also the coffee shops in foreign countries. This shop has a history starting in year 1966. The atmosphere is very traditional and peaceful and gives you the best moment to enjoy your coffee. Try also the sweets.

nächste Cafe

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