カフェ トリエステ in Miyazaki

Japanカフェ トリエステ



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒880-0211 Miyazaki, 佐土原町下田島Shimotajima−21210
kontakte telefon: +81 985-62-7088
webseite: caffe-trieste.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.0249362, Longitude: 131.4670133

kommentare 5

  • 菊池将司



    Pasta lunch was delicious. For the pasta, I chose bolognese with plenty of vegetables.

  • J M

    J M


    We had a Trieste lunch. It was an appetizer, bread, pasta, main, dessert, and drink. It was very delicious 😍 I went on a weekday, and it was fully booked. I think it's better to make a reservation if possible 🍴

  • 桜かえで



    A hidden gem restaurant located in Sadowara-cho, Miyazaki City. I think there are many people who live in the town but don't know about it. It seems to be run by a hospital at the foot of the mountain, so you can enjoy your meal in peace and quiet. The bakery next door is also very delicious. The restaurant is open on weekdays to coincide with the hospital, so reservations are recommended♪( ´▽`)

  • 黒木智美



    It was my first time visiting. The inside of the store was clean, bright and nice. The pasta, salads, and desserts were also delicious.

  • 永井真理子(nasi)



    The monthly "Trieste Lunch" is a course meal that will leave you satisfied and highly recommended. My husband had the green curry, which was juicy with shrimp, easy to eat, and delicious. The bread is homemade and is chewy and goes well with your meal. (Dish) Overall, the salty taste was exquisite, and I was satisfied with the chef's good taste.

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