Kabuki w Kumamoto




🕗 godziny otwarcia

9-chōme-6-36 Yahata, Minami Ward, Kumamoto, 861-4113, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-206-2559
strona internetowej: www.kabuki-group.shop
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 32.740207, Longitude: 130.6886983

komentarze 5

  • ę­£ä»£é“äŗŗ



    Each dish is delicious and the cost performance is also very good, so eating lots of luxurious and delicious food at dinner will make you happyšŸŽµ I'm more of a dinner person than a lunch person, so... As expected, the chef's preferences were expressed freely due to the difference in price, and the sauce, fire, humor, and colorful beauty were very satisfying and deliciousšŸ˜ƒšŸ’• It has a great atmosphere and is recommended for a variety of occasions, including dates, entertainment, and family! I will go again!!!

  • ć‚ˆć†ć”ć‚ƒć‚“



    I stopped by a while ago. Please call in advance as the store may not be open and the parking lot šŸ…æļø is far away. I was made to feel comfortable and treated politely. As for the food, I found the roast beef bowl to be a little spicy... The soup was so delicious that I also ordered Basque cheesecake. This was also delicious and I was right about ordering it. For Saturday lunch, there was a tatami room, so many mothers brought their children. Although the food is authentic, I think it is an easy-to-use restaurant. The staff at the store were very attentive when checking out, even mentioning that I had called in advance.

  • opty ns

    opty ns


    This store is located along National Route 3 in Minami Ward. The store is located on the outbound lane heading south from Kumamoto City. There is a median strip around here, so If you are coming from the up lane, you cannot enter without making a U-turn. This time I visited for lunch. There are 6 main types of lunch menu. This time I ordered roast beef rice bowl 1300 yen including appetizer, soup and drink The cost performance was quite good. Other menu items are also cheaper than this price. There are table seats and seats inside the store. The parking lot is called Denki no Roy, which is closer to the city than the store. It's next to the electrician shop The problem is that it is a little far from the store.

  • GOLDć‚“ćƒ¼ćƒ«ćƒ‰



    I would like to visit [Japanese and Western Bar Kabuki] located at 9-6-36 Yahata, Minami Ward, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture. I visited after reading reviews from MyRebi! We have a contract for parking in the parking lot next to an electronics shop about 80 meters in front of the store! Inside the store, there are table seats, raised tatami room seats, and counter-style seats along the wall. order 惻Daily pasta lunch ā†’ 1200 yen *Price includes tax. ā—ÆAppetizer Salmon Carappcio. You can enjoy the taste and flavor of raw and grilled fish. ā—ÆSoup Soup of beef tendon stewed with tomatoes. A delicious soup with the acidity of beef tendon and tomatoes that have been simmered until melty. ā—ÆBread Homemade butter has a sweet taste that goes well with the bread. ā—ÆPasta It was chive pasta! It was a delicious pasta that matched the flavor of chives and the seasoning of oil! ā—ÆDrink We had hot coffee after the meal! The customer service was courteous, and I was given detailed information about the parking lot in advance, so I was able to visit without hesitation and had plenty of time! Thank you for the meal! It was delicious!

  • Fernando Rosenberg

    Fernando Rosenberg


    A recently renovated Italian restaurant in the heart of downtown. The atmosphere is really nice, the staff are friendly and the music really ads to the ambience. The food was very good and I enjoyed the various dishes I ordered. The few complaints are that when I ordered a cocktail, there was hardly any alcohol in it, and most importantly, on the birthday dessert, the name was horribly misspelled. Other than those minor issues, a good casual place to visit for some good food.

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