郡山温泉 w Koriyama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Nishikatsunoki-38-1 Ōtsukimachi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0201, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 24-951-1231
strona internetowej: www.koriyamaonsen.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.3922961, Longitude: 140.3096161

komentarze 5

  • kei



    I saw a bus advertising Koriyama Onsen and stopped by. It's amazing how many payment methods there are. cards, electronic money, etc. Considering the number of cars outside, it wasn't too crowded inside. There is a changing room, coin lockers for valuables, and other basket-type facilities. Washing area, shampoo & conditioner, body soap. solid soap. Shower, type that can be used all the time. No momentum problem. It's easy to take a shower. Indoor bath, overflowing hot water. The indoor bath is just right. Outdoor bath, lukewarm. It felt smoother outside. There is a far infrared sauna. Hair dryer, 3 locations. A powerful one. The facility is a little old, but there are no problems. It's close to the highway, so I took a bath on the way home! There are places to sit in addition to the paid rest room. There is a vending machine. There is a store. JAF Discount is only for those staying overnight.

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    1 1


    I love hot springs and often use day trip hot springs in the prefecture, so this was my first time visiting Koriyama Onsen! First of all, it's a hot spring, but the temperature was just right and I was able to take a good rest! The sleeping bath was especially great! ! The inside of the hotel is also clean and I have no complaints. I also had some food, and it was of high quality! I was surprised at how delicious it tasted 😳 I will use it again if I have a chance!

  • 佐藤孝



    The hot springs are fed directly from the source. Simple spring colorless and transparent First time seeing it👀!! ️ Beverage vending machine Crisps Cup Noodles Kit Kat is I can’t believe it’s included 😅

  • man “ひろ66” sea

    man “ひろ66” sea


    It looks like a colorless and transparent chloride spring, but it also contains a faint hydrogen sulfide scent and sulfur. The amount of input from the source is quite large and overflows. With the price set at 550 yen for 2 hours, I was able to sweat comfortably during the trip.

  • 管澤優



    My family uses it every time we go home for the Bon and New Year holidays. It's reasonably priced and has an indoor bath, an outdoor bath, and a sauna. It's a place where you can feel free to use it like a public bath, except for the fact that the facilities are a bit old, there are no body soaps, and when I visit, there are a lot of customers and it gets crowded! There is also a children's space, which is great for families with children who can comfortably meet up after taking a bath!

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