Jujiro w Toyota




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shimogaito-648-1 Fujiokaiinochō, Toyota, Aichi 470-0451, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 565-76-2303
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.197497, Longitude: 137.208286

komentarze 5

  • かなで丸2nd



    I went in to have lunch. I ordered ankake spaghetti (coarsely ground sausage vegetables) for 880 yen. The set comes with a small salad, and two slices of thinly sliced ​​French bread are placed on top of the spaghetti. The sauce is spicy and goes well with the vegetables. I set the amount of pasta to M, but it felt a little less. It seems that you can increase the price by 1.5 times with +100 yen. You can also get coffee for an additional 200 yen. Next time, I'll order Italian food.

  • ば


    I've been wanting to go for over 10 years but haven't been able to go. I was finally able to go. Pork piccata!! ️ It was certainly normal. I wonder what? Is it balance? The sauce was light but deep and delicious. The pasta was quite to my liking. I want to eat vegetables next time.

  • METAKI1000



    The road from Wakabayashi to this point was difficult. However, this restaurant was worth the price.Since it was morning time, I had toast, scrambled eggs, and a blend. The bread is delicious, well-baked and very fragrant, and the scrambled eggs are fluffy and creamy, so eating them on toast is a special treat. Unfortunately, the chiffon cake is sold out, so I get chocolate cake instead. It's interesting how the sweetness of the chocolate turns into something refreshing when you eat it in combination with garnished fruit. The coffee was a blend and recommended by the manager. Although the blend is a little bitter, it draws quickly and is easy to drink while eating food. The manager's recommendation seems to change depending on the beans of the day, so I was glad that I could drink it since I don't like bitter tastes. However, since it's from this restaurant, I'm sure any type of beans will be delicious. I would like to go to this restaurant again, this time at lunch time.

  • Emi Hayashi

    Emi Hayashi


    Ankake pasta with a special taste. It was delicious (^^) with a thin, gentle flavor. I chose seasonal vegetables. Great answer (^^). It contained a variety of colorful and delicious vegetables, such as spring bamboo shoots and bubble wrap vegetables. Pork piccata is ok. usually. Great value with salad and coffee included!

  • みつ



    The spaghetti with ankake sauce was a nice service because you could have the sauce added to it. The Teppanyaki Neapolitan was also delicious with plenty of eggs. The staff at the store were very nice to me, so I would like to go there again with my family. 😋👍

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